Wednesday, March 11, 2015


U.R. Bowie's new book is about to be published, SOON, SOON SOON.

Here are the blurbs from the back cover:


U.R. Bowie has a broad and deep grasp of Russian history, culture, the mindset of the Russian people. These stories plumb the vital, bloody landscapes of our sad, but ever fascinating and vital country, exploring the ineffables at the heart of Russia, yet seeking answers to questions universal to all humankind.

                                                                                                …Arkady Sinepuzov
                                                                                                    Leningrad District Herald

You read and reread these tales and you find yourself in that peculiar Russian frame of mind that lets you hold two contradictory positions simultaneously—the one fighting against the other!

                                                                                                …Lawrence Wolfson
                                                                                                    The Russian Revanchist

In these pages Russian people grapple with identity, try to understand the past and negotiate hope, faith, life. Why is this so hard to do? Because although the country is one thousand years old nobody has ever implemented any hard and fast rules for living. Or somebody is always changing the rules! They take away God from the people, they say God does not exist. Then, one fine sunny day, after Communism has evaporated into thin air, they make an announcement: “By the way, people, we’re giving God back to you today. Enjoy.”

                                                                                                …Slava Sanin
                                                                                                    Notes from a Russian Rathole

Throughout the third and longest novella in this collection, The Leningrad Symphony, Shostakovich’s music plays in the background score. But the three novellas themselves are presented in the form of three movements of a musical piece. The opening movement (“Exhumation”) states the themes, the second movement (“Disambiguation”) explores the meaning and permutations of those themes, and the final movement (“The Leningrad Symphony”) recognizably returns to echo the first two movements, while, simultaneously, informed by all that has come before.
                                                                                                ...Gennady Aristov
                                                                                                    Myisamisusami Review

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