of Russian Poetry into English
on Blog, “U.R. Bowie on Russian Literature”
[AS OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2023]
Anna Akhmatova:
“Vse raskhishcheno, predano, prodano” (“Everything’s
plundered, betrayed, in ruin’s jaws”)
“My ne umeem proshchat’sja” (“We don’t know how to say
“A ty dumal ja tozhe takaja” (“So you took me for some kind
of wifey lightweight”)
“Ja nauchilas’ prosto, mudro zhit’” (“Now I’ve learned
simply and wisely to live”)
“Iul’ 1914” (“July, 1914”)
Innokenty Annensky:
“Posle kontserta” (“After the Concert”)
“Sentjabr’” (“September”)
Pavel Antokol’sky:
“Portret Infanty” (“A Portrait of the Infanta”)
Edward Asadov:
“Pustye slova” (“Empty Words”)
Nikolai Aseev:
“Khor vershin” (“Choirs in the Heights”)
Eduard Bagritsky:
“Ja sladko iznemog ot tishiny i snov” (“So sweetly enervated
I, by silence and by dreams”)
“Arbuz” (“The Watermelon”)
K.D. Balmont:
Translation of Shelly sonnet “Ozymandias” (“Ozimandija”)
Evgeny Baratynsky:
“Na chto vy, dni?” (“Whatever is the use of you, O days?”)
Aleksandr Blok:
“Susal’nyj angel” (“The Lollypop Angel”)
“Blagoveshchenie” (“Annunziazione”)
“Vse eto bylo, bylo, bylo” (“All that has been has gone,
“Ty pomnish’? V nashej bukhte sonnoj” (“The Rainbow Tints
“Est’ igra: ostorozhno vojti” (“The Stalking Eye”)
“Khudozhnik” (“The Artist”)
“O doblestjakh, o podvigakh, o slave” (“While that chaste
picture frame”)
“Noch’, Ulitsa, Fonar’, Apteka” (“Night. Street. Lamplight.
“Devushka pela v tserkovnom khore” (“In the choir of a
church a young girl was singing”)
Ivan Bunin:
“Odinochestvo” (“Loneliness”)
“Vecher” (“Evening”)
“Mogila v skale” (“The Tomb in the Cliff”)
“Bereg” (“The Far Shore”)
“Noch’ i den’” (“Night and Day”)
“Pamjati” (“In Remembrance”)
“Gal’tsiona” (“Halcyone”)
“Savaof” (“Sabaoth, Lord God of Hosts”)
“Poslednie slezy” (“Belated Tears”)
“Ne vidno ptits. Pokorno chakhnet” (“Birdless”)
“Epitafija” (“Epitaph”)
“S obez’janoj” (“The Monkey Business”)
“Na rasput’e” (“Where Paths Diverge”)
“Skazka o koze” (“The Tale of the Goat”)
“L’et bez konsta. V lesu tuman” (“My Dear Lord God [“Endless
rain, and forest fog”])
“Ritm” (“Rhythm”)
“Portret” (“The Portrait”)
“Les shumit nevnjatnym, rovnim shumom” (“An even, hazy hum
runs through the glade”)
“Parus” (“The Sail”)
“Shestikrylyj” (“The Six-Winged Seraph”)
“Khudozhnik” (“The Artist”)
“Spokojnyj vzor, podobnyj vzoru lani” (“The tranquil gaze,
your eyes so like a doe’s”)
“Val’s” (“The Waltz”)
“Nastanet den’, ischeznu ja” (“The day will come, I’ll
Boris Chichibabin:
“Menja odolevaet ostroe” (“The Isle of Jumble”)
“I opyat’ – tishina, tishina, tishina” (“Once Again
Igor Chinnov:
“Disney World”
“Kazhdyj sgniet (i gnienem ochistitsja)” (“Each of us rots,
and through rotting is cleansed”)
“Zhil da byl Ivan Ivanych” (“There walked this earth one
Clyde B. Wright”)
“Ne kazhetsja li tebe” (“Don’t you feel”)
“Serdtse sozhmetsja, ispugannyj ezhik” (“Our hearts will
cower, frightened hedgehogs”)
Aleksandr Dol’sky, “Serdtse na trotuare” (“The Mishandled
Evgeny Evtushenko:
“Smejalis’ Ljudi za Stenoj” (“Laughers in the Room Next
“Nas v nabitykh tramvajakh boltaet” (“Dispersement”)
“Ljubimaja, spi” (“Sleep, my dear one”)
“Ukhodjat nashi materi ot nas” (“Departing Mothers”)
“Rany” (“Hurt People Hurt People (Wounds)”)
“Ya byl, slovno veter nad morem nichej” (“Somebody’s”)
“So mnoju vot chto proiskhodit” (“Misapprehensions”)
“Tajny” (“Mysteries”)
“Daj Bog” (“God Grant”)
Sergei Esenin:
“My teper’ ukhodim ponemnogu” (“One by one we all are now
A.A. Fet:
“Iz poemy ‘Son’” (“From the Long Poem ‘A Dream’”)
“Kak moshki zaroju” (“Wordless”)
“Teplyj veter tikho veet” (“The warm wind wafts on quietly”)
“Kot poet, glaza prishchurit” (“Eyes asquint, the tomcat
“Ne vorchi, moj kot murlyka” (“Stop your purring, grumbler
“Eshe vesny dushistoj nega” (“In rapture steeped, sweet
fragrant spring”)
“Burja na nebe vechernem” (“Storm in the sky of the
“Ja prishel k tebe s privetom” (“I come to you at break of
“Kakaja kholodnaja osen’” (“How cold are the woods in the
“Lastochki” (“Swallows”)
“Byl chudnyj majskij den’ v Moskve” (“A wondrous Moscow day
in May”)
“Shopot, robkoe dykhan’e” (“Whispering and Timid Breathing”)
“Tol’ko v mire i est’, chto tenistyj” (“Distinctive on earth
of all things that exist”)
“Chuja vnushennyj drugimi otvet” (“Sensing that loved ones
have told you, ‘Say no’ [Portents])”
“Babochka” (“Butterfly”)
Rasul Gamzatov:
“Zhuravli” (“The Cranes”)
Zinaida Gippius:
“Neljubov’” (“Unlove”)
Nikolai Gumilyov:
“Muzhik” (“The Muzhik”)
“Shestoe chuvstvo” (“The Sixth Sense”)
“Ja i Vy” (“I and You”)
“Voin Agamemnona” (“Agamemnon’s Warrior”)
Georgi Ivanov:
“S bezchelovechnoju sud’boj” (“In any polemic with inhuman
Vladislav Khodasevich:
“Kad vyskazhu moim kosnojazych’em” (“How can this tangled
tongue of mine express”)
“Obo vsem v odnikh stikhakh ne skazhesh’” (“Takes More Than
Verses to Tell the Whole Tale”)
“Obez’jana” (“The Monkey”)
“Akrobat” (“Walking a Tightrope”)
“Lastochki” (“Swallows”)
“Slepoj” (“Blind”)
“Pod zemlej” (“Underground”)
“Tak byvaet pochemu-to” (“So it happens; who knows why?”)
“John Bottom” (“The Ballad of John Bottom’s Arm”)
“Ballada” (“Orpheus Ascendant”)
“Pered zerkalom” (“Standing in front of a mirror”)
“Vesennij lepet ne razlezhit” (“If verses’ teeth are tightly
Mikhail Lermontov:
“Vykhozhu odin ja na dorogu” (“By night I walk alone,
“Parus” (“The Sail”)
“Predskazanie” (“A Portent of Calamity”)
“Angel” (“The Angel”)
“Nebo i zvezdy” (“Sky and Stars”)
“Gornye vershiny” (“Alpine peaks quiescent”)
Osip Mandelstam:
“Kak po ulistam Kieva-Vija” (“Gogol-Mogol’s Ogre”)
“Tvoim uzkim plecham pod bichami krasnet’” (“Black Candle”)
“Kogda Psikheja-zhizn’ spuskaetsja k tenjam” (“When Psyche, Soul of Life, a.k.a. Anima”)
“Lastochka” (“Blind Swallows”)
“Skripachka” (“Violinist”)
“Na strashnoj vysote bluzhdajushchij ogon’” (“Petropolis
“Mne kholodno. Prozrachnaja vesna” (“I’m cold. The season of
“V Petropole prozrachnom my umrem” (“In transparent
Petropolis we all will die”)
Samuil Marshak:
“Mat’” (“Mother”)
Translation of Robert Burns, “Honest Poverty” (“Chestnaja
Translation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 129, “Disbursement
of spirit and shame’s dissipation” (“Izderzhki dukkha i styda rastrata”)
Translation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 90, “If you’re to
bid farewell to loving me” (“Uzh esli ty razljubish’-- tak teper’”)
Translation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 81, “Will my lot be
dear you, my friend, to bury” (“Tebe li menja pridetsja khoronit’”)
Translation of Shakespeare Sonnet No. 116, “To part the meld
of two hearts intermingled” (“Meshat’ soedinen’ju dvukh serdets”)
Translation of Robert Burns, “Coming Through the Rye”
(“Probirajas’ do kalitki”)
Vladimir Mayakovsky:
“Tuchkiny shtuchki” (“Clouds Take Shape Take Shapeless”)
“Nash marsh” (“Our March”)
“Rossii” (“To Russia [The Overseas Ostrich]”)
“Khoroshee otnoshenie k loshadjam” (“Treating Horsies Nice”)
“Ja schastliv!” (“I’m Happy!”)
Vladimir Nabokov:
“Lastochka” (“The Swallow”)
Boris Pasternak:
Translation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 73, “You look at me and see
that time of year” (“To vremja goda vidish’ ty vo mne”)
“Zimnjaja noch’” (“Winter Night”)
“Zemlja” (“The Earth”)
“Gefsimanskij sad” (“The Garden of Gethsemane”)
“V bol’nitse” (“In the Hospital”)
Aleksandr Pushkin:
“Zhelanie” (“Desire”)
“V krovi gorit ogon’ zhelanija” (“Desire’s flame in my blood
“Na kholmakh Gruzii lezhit nochnaja mgla” (“The hills of
Georgia lie quiescent, swathed in night”)
“Prorok” (“The Prophet”)
“Elegija” (“An Elegy”)
“Ja vas ljubil” (“I loved you, love may still be so
“Pora, moj drug, pora” (“Now is the time, my friend”)
“Vospominanie” (“Remembrance”)
“Otsy pustynnyki i zheny neporochny” (“The anchorites in
deserts and the women pious, chaste”)
“Dar naprasnyj, dar sluchajnyj” (Based on pure chance, a
useless gift”)
Robert Rozhdestvensky:
“Mark Chagal” (“Chagall”)
“Noktjurn” (“Nocturne”)
“Mgnovenija” (“Evanescence”)
“Ty” (“You”)
“Na zemle bezzhalostno malen’koj” (“On an earth pathetically
Konstantin Sluchevsky:
“Posle kazni v Zheneve” (“An Execution in Geneva”)
Fedor Sologub:
“Vysoka luna gospodnja” (“High in the sky is God’s moon”)
Arseny Tarkovsky:
“Zhili-byli” (“The Year Nineteen”)
Nikolai Tikhonov:
“Prazdnichnyj, veselyj, besnovatyj” (“Festive feeling,
joyous and frenetic”)
“My razuchilis’ nishchim podavat’” (“For greasing palms of
beggars seems we’ve lost the knack”)
“Veter” (“The Wind”)
A.K Tolstoy:
“Ballada o kamergere Delarju” (“The Ballad of Chamberlain
“Tropar’” (“Troparion from
the Poem ‘John Damascene’”)
Fedor Tyutchev:
“Tikho v ozere struitsja” (“Softly
o’er mere-waters’ ripples stream on”)
“Svyatye gory” (“The Holy Mountains”) [with Anna Tyutchev]
“Vous, dont on
voit briller, dans les nuits azurées” (“O stars who pour your benefaction”)
“Ja znal ee eshche togda” (“I knew her even way back when”)
“Kad neozhidanno i jarko” (“Rainbow”)
“Khot’ ja i svil gnezdo v doline” (“I’ve built my nest in
earthbound vale”)
“Kak khorosho ty, O more nochnoe” (“O sea of night, how fine
you are!”)
“Sijaet solntse, vody bleshchut” (“Sunshine sparkles, water
“Smotri, kak na rechnom prostore” (“Hearken at the river
“Konchen pir, umolkli khory” (“Done the feast, the songs are
“Mal’aria” (“Miasmas”)
“Teni sizye smesilis’” (“Blended were the shadows
“Pesok sypuchij po koleni” (“Up to our axles in crumbly
“Ot zhizni toj chto bushevala zdes’” (“The life that once in
these parts teemed”)
“Nakanune godovshchiny 4 avgusta 1864 g.” (“On the Eve of
the Anniversary of Aug. 4, 1864”)
“Slyzy ljudskie, o slyzy ljudskie” (“O tears of humanity”)
“Vesennjaja Groza” (“Spring Thunderstorm”)
Marina Tsvetaeva:
“Molitva” (“A Prayer”)
“Osen’ v Taruse” (“Autumn in Tarusa”)
“P.E. : 6” (“For P.E. : 6”)
“Vchera eshche v glaza gljadel” (“Just yesterday you gazed
into my eyes”)
“Tak” (“Cause”)
“Bessonnitsa. 9” (“Insomnia. 9”)
“Bessonnitsa. 3” (“Insomnia.3”)
“Krasnoju kistju” (“Birthday”)
“Chetvertyj god” (“Going on Four”)
“Uzh skol’ko ikh upalo v etu bezdnu” (“So many have been
swallowed up and perished”)
“Popytka revnosti” (“An Attempt at Jealousy”)
“Mne nravitsja, chto Vy bol’ny ne mnoj” (“I’m glad that
you’re not indisposed with feelings steeped in me”)
Evgenij Vinokurov:
“Vesna” (“Spring”)
Maximillian Voloshin:
“Svyataja Rus’” (“Holy Rus”)
Vladimir Vysotsky:
“Odna nauchnaja nagadka” (“A Matter for Historical and
Scientific Enquiry”)
Nikolai Zabolotsky:
“Ustupi mne, skvorets, ugolok” (“Let me lodge, starling-bird,
in your birdhouse columbary”)
“Lastochka” (“The Swallow”)
“Detstvo” (“Childhood”)