Friday, February 10, 2023

Recovery Time After Covid

                                                 Coronavirus Putting on a Show of Colors

Recovery Time After Covid

“How did I feel? As if I was living in that terrible movie Regarding Henry, in which Harrison Ford gets shot in the head during a convenience-store hold-up and afterward becomes a mental child and can no longer make love to his wife. I used to be able to do this; I know I used to be able to do this. I used to be able to make love to Harrison Ford’s wife!

“Some of the delusions I had developed during the most severe phase of illness persisted: that my vision was a picture that had been pasted in front of my eyes, that my floorboards, creaking with the expansive spring humidity, were going to fall through. Hours, days had fallen out of my memory like chunks of plaster.”

Patricia Lockwood

[excerpted from the book by U.R. Bowie, Here We Be. Where Be We?]

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