Thursday, August 22, 2024

Beat Some Sense Into Me!


At Oxford University, sometime back in the Time Beyond Recall, the conferring of the degree of Master of Grammar was accompanied by presentation of a birch rod as symbol of office, and by the ceremonial flogging of a whipping-boy with that rod by the new Master.

A ferula, or ferule, is a flat piece of wood that expanded at the end into something pear-shaped with a hole in the middle; it was used to strike the hand or mouth, raising a horrible blister. Aren’t we homosapiens highly creative in the ways we find to be vicious to each other?
                                                                          Original Sin
Locke: believed the child to be a tabula rasa, upon which society imprints its image.
Rousseau: believed a child is born naturally good.
Original Sin: holds that a child is born evil and must have the evil socialized out (or beaten out) of him.
[excerpted from the book by U.R. Bowie, Here We Be. Where Be We?]

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