Monument to Ivan Bunin in Voronezh, Sculptor A.I. Burganov
Ivan Bunin
Иван Бунин
И ветер, и
дождик, и мгла
Над холодной пустыней воды.
Здесь жизнь до весны умерла,
До весны опустели сады.
Я на даче один. Мне темно
За мольбертом, и дует в окно.
Вчера ты была у
Но тебе уж тоскливо со мной.
Под вечер ненастного дня
Ты мне стала казаться женой…
Что ж, прощай! Как-нибудь до весны
Проживу и один — без жены…
Сегодня идут без
Те же тучи — гряда за грядой.
Твой след под дождем у крыльца
Расплылся, налился водой.
И мне больно глядеть одному
В предвечернюю серую тьму.
Мне крикнуть
хотелось вослед:
«Воротись, я сроднился с тобой!»
Но для женщины прошлого нет:
Разлюбила — и стал ей чужой.
Что ж! Камин затоплю, буду пить…
Хорошо бы собаку купить.
Literary Translation/Adaptation
by U.R. Bowie
The wind, and the rain, mist and dread,
Hanging low over wastelands of water.
Here all life until spring has gone dead,
Scant gardens are winter’s best augur.
I’m alone at the dacha, in gloaming,
At my easel; the wind soughing, droning.
You were here with me just yesterday,
But with me you were restless and sad.
In the rain, twilight murk, disarray,
You seemed like a wife, or comrade . . .
So be it, farewell! Till spring and new life
I’ll live by myself, with no wife . . .
The rainclouds glide on, on and on,
One cloudbank, one more, then the same.
Your footprint by the porch almost gone,
Diffuse, formless now, filled with rain.
And it pains me to be alone, gazing
At the gray twilight haze all-embracing.
I wanted to cry after you:
“Come back, you’re a part of me now!”
But for woman what’s loved hitherto
Counts for naught—not a touch, not a vow.
So be it! I’ll light a fire in the hearth
And I’ll drink till besotted;
Might just get me a dog,
One that’s black and white spotted.
Translator’s Addendum
Endings (Jocular) With Creative Rhymes
Many Words Drinkers Use, Courtesy of Roget’s Thesaurus)
I’ll light a fire in the hearth,
and I’ll drink myself silly;
Might just get me a dog, feed him
buckwheat with chili.
I’ll light a fire in the hearth
and I’ll get myself sloshed;
Might just buy me a dog, take him
out for long walks.
I’ll light a fire in the hearth
and I’ll drink till I’m blotto;
Might just buy me a dog, name him
Buster, or Otto.
I’ll light a fire in the hearth,
and I’ll drink myself dizzy;
Might just get me a dog, one all
fluffy and frizzy.
I’ll light a fire in the hearth,
and I’ll drink myself stinko;
Might just get me a dog, or a nice
pet flamingo.
I’ll light a fire in the hearth
and I’ll get myself crocked;
Might just buy me a dog, one with
spots and tail lopped.
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