Ivan Bunin
Ты мысль, ты сон.
Сквозь дымную метель
Бегут кресты — раскинутые
Я слушаю задумчивую ель —
Певучий звон… Всё — только мысль и
То, что лежит в могиле, разве ты?
Разлуками, печалью был отмечен
Твой трудный путь. Теперь их нет. Кресты
Хранят лишь прах. Теперь ты мысль. Ты вечен.
<Декабрь 1906>
Literal Translation
You’re a thought, you’re a dream.
Through the hazy blizzard
The crosses fly—arms spread wide.
I listen to the pensive spruce tree—
A melodious ringing . . . Everything
is just thought and sounds!
That which lies in the grave, could
that be you?
Your difficult path [through life] was
marked out by sadness, partings
That are no more. The crosses preserve
Only dust. Now you’re a thought.
You’re eternal.
Translation/Adaptation By U.R. Bowie
In Remembrance
A thought you are, a dream; through
blizzard’s haze
They fly, with arms spread wide, the
crosses slanted.
I listen to the brooding spruce, its
hum of praise:
All is naught but thought and sounds
That thing that lies ‘neath earth,
could that be you?
Your earthly path was strewn with
sorrow, anguish.
Now none of that remains; a slanting
cross askew.
You’re dust; you’re thought; in
ageless time you languish.
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