Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Bobby Lee Goosey

Whatever Wherever


--You know where we’re headed? You know where we’re going? You know where we’re bound? Know where?

--No, where? You know where?

--Yes. I know where we’re headed and I know where we’re bound and I know where we’re going. You don’t know where?

--No, where? . . . Oh, there . . . Nowhere . . . Well, anyway, I hope we all like it when we get there. It might be a wonderful place, Nowhere. Yes, I think it might be just fine. It doesn’t have to be anywhere to be nice, does it? I believe I’ll like being there . . . or nonbeing . . .


[from the book titled Bobby Goosey’s Compendium of Perfectly Sensible Nonsense]

                                                              Kafka, by David Levine

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