Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The Mating Dance of the Blue-Footed Booby


“I didn’t choose my nationality,” he suddenly said in a breaking voice. “I’m a Jew, a Yid. There are times when I believe I can understand everything. But there’s one thing I’ll never understand: the reason for that black, base thing that is so banally termed antisemitism” (reminiscences of Konstantin Paustovsky).

Babel translated into Russian several stories by the Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem. His wife Antonina Pirozhkova summarizes the plot of one of them that he read aloud to her (Reminiscences of Contemporaries, p. 370). It is instructive that Babel would find this story amusing.

“Two Ukrainian Cossacks were out in the steppe, preparing kasha over a campfire. Down the road nearby walked a disheveled hungry Jew. They saw a chance to have some fun, so they invited him over to share their kasha. The Jew accepted their invitation, and they gave him a spoon. But no sooner had he dipped the spoon into the kasha and brought it to his lips than one of the Cossacks cracked him on the head with his spoon and said to the other, ‘Your Jew is out-eating my Jew; he’ll eat up all the kasha, and nothing will be left for my Jew.’ Then the other Cossack cracked the Jew on the head with his spoon, saying, ‘No. It’s your Jew who won’t let my Jew eat.’ And so they went on beating him, each of them pretending he was looking out for his own Jew, while beating the other fellow’s Jew.”

What a parable for those times; and for our own times as well.

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