Sunday, April 3, 2022

Translation of Poem by Boris Pasternak, Борис Пастернак, "WINTER NIGHT," "Зимняя ночь"


Борис Пастернак


Зимняя ночь

Мело, мело по всей земле
Во все пределы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.


Как летом роем мошкара
Летит на пламя,
Слетались хлопья со двора
К оконной раме.


Метель лепила на стекле
Кружки и стрелы.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.


На озаренный потолок
Ложились тени,
Скрещенья рук, скрещенья ног,
Судьбы скрещенья.


И падали два башмачка
Со стуком на пол.
И воск слезами с ночника
На платье капал.


И все терялось в снежной мгле
Седой и белой.
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.


На свечку дуло из угла,
И жар соблазна
Вздымал, как ангел, два крыла


Мело весь месяц в феврале,
И то и дело
Свеча горела на столе,
Свеча горела.





Translator’s Note

This poem was first composed in Dec., 1946, as part of the text of the novel Doctor Zhivago, first published in 1958. Set to music many times and much analyzed, it is one of those poems that practically any Russian seems familiar with.






Literal Translation


Winter Night


Snow swept all across the earth

From end of earth to end.

A candle on a table burned,

A candle burned.


As a swarm of midges in summer

Flies into a flame,

Clumps of snow from the courtyard

Flew up against the window frame.


The blizzard sculpted on the glass

Circles and arrows.

The candle burned on the table,

The candle burned.


On the brightly lit ceiling

Shadows coalesced,

Hands interlaced [crossed], legs interlaced,

Fates interlaced.


And with a clunk fell

Two shoes to the floor.

And wax in tears from the nightlight

Dripped on the dress.


And everything was lost in snowy murk,

Gray and white.

The candle burned on the table,

The candle burned.


A draught blew on the candle from a corner,

And a heat of temptation

Raised up, like an angel, two wings

In the shape of a cross.


The whole month of February was swept with snow,

And now and again

The candle burned on the table,

The candle burned.





Literary Translation/Adaptation by U.R. Bowie


Winter Night


O’er all the earth a snowstorm swirling,

Yearning snowflakes, endless whirling.

A candle on a table burning,

A candle burned.


As mayflies in a summer swarming

Fly toward a flamelet seeking warming,

Snowy floccules ascertain

How to paste a pane. 


Arrows, circles, frosted ferns

Blizzard-sculpted on cold glass.

The candle on the table burned,

The candle burned.


On the ceiling brightly lit

Shades and shadows blend and flit,

Legs and arms sheer interlacings,

Fates all interlaced.


Two shoes fall, one low, one hightop,

Clunk and flop, void of finesse.

Nightlight lamp in drips like teardrops

Dribbling wax on dress.


And all was lost in snowmist blurred,

Gray-white, unconcerned.

The candle on the table burned,

The candle burned.


A draught on candleflame, one waft,

In fever’s fervid firestorm,

Raised up two angel’s wings aloft,

To stand in trembling cruciform.


February whirled in snow,

While on and on through yearning,

A candle on the table burned,

The candle went on burning.







Читает Сергей Бехтерев:


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