Sunday, December 29, 2019



Note to the Reader

A few brief words about my books. Yes, Sama Seeker is the tenth published work of fiction (over a period of five years: 2014-2019), and as I poise here on the edge of the octogenarian age, I marvel that I got that many books written. And in print. But, then again, I retired from my professorial duties at Miami University twenty years ago, and I’ve had nothing to do but write fiction since then; therefore, my output should not be surprising.

Among my published works are three romans durs, big complicated literary novels: The Tale of the Bastard Feverfew, Hard Mother, and now Sama Seeker in the Time of the End Times. They’re all worth the effort for any reader interested in delving into quality literary fiction. The Russian theme is prominent in two of these three, as well as in (1) Disambiguations—three novellas all set in Russia; (2) Gogol’s Head—a quirky and effervescent hybrid work, featuring the biography and the fictional style of the great Nikolai Gogol; and (3) Googlegogol—a collection of short stories, each one having a direct connection to one or another Russian writer.

I have also published two other collections of short stories, these with no particular Russian connection. The most recent, Such Is the Scent of Our Sweet Opalescence, republishes, in part, stories from the earlier Anyway, Anyways. In the second collection I was interested primarily in an audiobook, so I brought together in one volume stories that best lend themselves to oral performance. You can now listen to my own unique performance of these works of art, in my voice, for who better than the author knows the rhythms and sounds of his own sentences? Listen and laugh, because these readings are funny.

U.R. Bowie
Gainesville, Florida

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