Sunday, January 9, 2022

Translation of Poem by Nikolai Tikhonov, Николай Тихонов, "Праздничный, веселый, бесноватый," " Festive feeling, joyous and frenetic"



Николай Тихонов



Праздничный, веселый, бесноватый,

С марсианской жаждою творить,

Вижу я, что небо небогато,

Но про землю стоит говорить.


Даже породниться с нею стоит,

Снова глину замешать огнем,

Каждое желание простое

Освятить неповторимым днем.


Так живу, а если жить устану,

И запросится душа в траву,

И глаза, не видя, в небо взглянут,-

Адвокатов рыжих позову.


Пусть найдут в законах трибуналов

Те параграфы и те года,

Что в земной дороге растоптала

Дней моих разгульная орда.





Literal Translation

Festive, joyous, frenetic,

With the thirst of a Martian to create,

I see that heaven is none too rich,

But the earth bears speaking about.


Even becoming kinfolks with her is worth it,

Once more to knead together clay with fire,

Each simple wish

To illumine with an unrepeatable day.


That’s how I live, and if I tire of living,

If my soul gets a hankering for grass,

And my eyes, unseeing, gaze up to heaven,

That’s when I’ll call for the red-haired lawyers.


Let them seek out in the laws of tribunals

Those clauses and those years

That the dissolute horde of all my days

Has trampled down on the earthly road.




Literary Translation/Adaptation by U.R. Bowie


Festive feeling, joyous and frenetic,

Thirsting like a Martian to conceive;

Heaven lacks in themes for my aesthetic,

But the earth is ripe for make-believe.


Could just make moist earth my bosom kin,

Once more stoke the fire, knead the clay;

Let each simple wish blaze from within, 

Illumined by the wonder of new day.


So I’ll live, and if I tire of life,

If my soul hankers for Elysian parks,

And Heaven sends relinquishment of strife,

I’ll summon then the lawyers, red-haired sharks.


Those shysters will seek out the clauses, laws,

Then conjure with my Book of Earthly Deeds,

All trampled down along with sins, faux pas,

By that fierce horde that led me through the weeds.



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